Asking me to choose which of my books are my favourite is impossible as I love them all. I’ve never launched a book that I didn’t love. Every book has been written with love.
However….a few books are extra special to me for differing reasons –
This book was rejected by almost every romance publisher. I was told by well respected authors that a book with a tap dancing, crooner hero would not sell.
To date, this is my best selling book!! (and also my first audio book!!)
I was advised not to write books set in Israel or Hanukah romances, as they would not sell. My readers love these heart warming romances which have sold well all year round.
Lesson to authors – write what you love, and you will find the readers who want to read your books.
I don’t usually have man-whores as heroes in my books. But after I finished writing Falling for the Best Man, I literally had Felix talking to me and demanding (not asking) to write his story. This was one of the hardest books I have written – a story of redemption for both the hero and heroine.
I’m so glad I wrote Falling for Miss Write, I love it so much, and am also proud of this redemption romance.
Again, I was told that readers did not want an Asian hero but it seemed that readers do like characters of different nationalities. This sweet romance has been really popular with my readers.
I do love every book I write but some have a special place in my heart, including these two books.
For those readers who’ve read all/most of my books, you will know that one of my favourite romance tropes or themes is friends to lovers. I’ve used this theme many times, especially with my holiday romances.
It’s really popular in movies and TV shows, not just romance books. But I started thinking about all the male/female friends who weren’t going to fall in love. They were just friends and always would be. It made me realise that, as an author, I had ignored the special relationship of friendship.
If you search for movies of friends falling for each other, you’ll find hundreds. But not so many about friends who don’t fall in love. A recent exception is The Kissing Booth, which features a boy/girl friendship across the three movies (and books).
And, of course, you have one of my favourite movies, When Harry Met Sally, which addresses the question of whether men and women can just be friends.
So, can they?
Male/female friends can often make each other laugh with a single word, finish each other’s sentences, and usually have a connection that is perceived or misconstrued as “romantic.”
If the couple were single, would a potential boy/girlfriend be threatened by such a strong friendship?
The answer is…probably yes.
And that’s how I came to write Radio Christmas.
Thank you to my amazing readers who love my books, and encourage me to write “outside of the box”. I feel truly blessed to have so many readers reading and enjoying my books. Thank you.